Davás Duo (Raahen Rantajatsit 2022)

Raahen Rantajatsit 2022 perjantaina 29.7. klo 16 Langin kauppahuoneella.

Inger Johanne Oskal laulu
John-Kåre Hansen kitara

Davás Duo tulee Saamenmaalta Pohjois-Norjasta. Davás tarkoittaa ’kohti pohjoista’.
Davás Duon musiikissa jazz ja joiku sekä uusi ja perinteinen saamelaismusiikki kohtaavat.
Omien sävellysten lisäksi duo esittää sovituksia perinteisestä saamelaismusiikista.
Duon musiikissa on aina tilaa leikille ja spontaaneille ideoille ja improvisoinnille.

Laulaja Inger Johanne Oskalilla ja kitaristi John-Kåre Hansenilla on molemmilla laaja-alainen tausta useista kokoonpanoista jazz-, folk-, saamelais- ja maailmanmusiikin parissa.
Molemmat kuuluvat myös fusiojazzvaikutteista uutta saamelaismusiikkia tekevään Ánnásuolo-yhtyeeseen.

Kiertueen tuotanto Arctic Pulse.

Charles Gil: Inger Johanne Oskal and John-Kåre Hansen, we are very excited to discover your Davás duo on its Finnish premiere at Jazz on the Beach. What is the meaning of “davás” in Northern Sami language? How do you work together on your songs?

Davás means «towards the north”. We both live in Sápmi in the northern part of Norway. Wherever we travel our internal compass always gravitates towards the north. North is where we are rooted, both in music and in everyday life. The northern Sámi language is also prominent in our music and in the northern Sápmi area, which is home to us.

We love to incorporate good melodies together with great rhythm and traditional Sámi yoik. Most of our repertoire are original tunes written by either one of us. Since we’re both in the band Ánnásuolo, we always have some Ánnásuolo-originals on our setlist. In addition, we play traditional yoiks with new arrangements for just guitar and vocals. We love to play around with our songs, and we leave a lot of space open for improvising and spontaneous ideas. In a duo-setting like ours it’s often easier to suddenly make a “hard left” than if you were playing within a full ensemble. In the end we find it important to try to make our music interesting for the listener and create a mood of the high north – of Davás.

Davás Duo originated from Sápmi in Northern Norway. Vocalist Inger Johanne Oskal and guitarist John-Kåre Hansen both hold extensive careers as musicians from various bands and genres such as jazz, folk, Sami and world music.

Together, Davás Duo performs Sami music with new arrangements and traditional Sami yoik and melodies. Be there when jazz and yoik, new and traditional, meet, in Davás Duo.

Inger Johanne Oskal released her first solo-album in 2012. Since then, she’s been active on the live scene as a solo performer. Before that, Oskal was a sought-after backing singer for other artists on TV and on Sami Grand Prix. As of last year, Oskal is the new front woman of the Sami group Ánnásuolo.

From the Arctic town of Alta, John-Kåre Hansen holds a professional career as a touring musician, composer, producer and bandleader. Hansen holds a master’s degree in guitar and has released close to a dusin albums with his original music. He’s also written commissioned works for various jazz festivals.