Francesco D’Angelo kitara
Francesco D’Angelon klassinen kitara vie matkalle romantiikan ajan italialaiseen oopperaan.
Romantiikan aikana italialaiset muusikot muuttivat Euroopan metropoleihin. Francesco D’Angelo on muuttanut Ouluun pala Italiaa mukanaan.
Francesco D’Angelo esiintyy Raahen Rantajatseilla 2024 torstaina 25.7. klo 24 Raahen kirjastolla Yö kirjastossa -tapahtumassa.
An Italian opera journey on guitar through the XIXth century.
This concert wants to bring to life the long and wonderful tradition of classical and romantic guitar through the most touching and colorful expressions of XIXth century Italian opera.
The 1800 is a century of strong feelings and ideas, where the individual person with his feelings becomes important and the European nations arise.
For instance when artists deal with natural themes they don’t describe the outer reality anymore. Instead they focus on the personal sensations and feelings given by nature. Intellectuals and artists re-evaluate the unconsciousness, the magic, the supernatural, the Middle-ages and there’s a general interest for dreams and spirituality, in contrast to the previous period, the Enlightenment.
In this context the opera finds its higher expression. Especially in Italy, where the genre was born two centuries before and the production is huge to the point that pure instrumental music is almost wiped out.
The Italian opera is the most appreciated all around the world and every guitarist of the classic and romantic period gave attention to it arranging and composing ouvertures, fantasias, variations, potpourri and other forms based on operas by the biggest names of musical theater, such as Paisiello, Rossini, Verdi, Bellini, Donizetti and many others. The guitarists also composed instrumental music still inspired by opera.
There are works that go far beyond simple entertainment, but delve deeply into the characters and spiritual world of the works. Famous example in this sense can be found in piano repertoire with the “Opernfantasie”, developed by Liszt and his rival Thalberg.
The extreme virtuosity of this repertoire is based on a philosophical and a material reason. The myth of the hero, of the man who even hopelessly fights nature physically and spiritually it’s a very romantic element. It’s also a fact that in that period the musicians start to be freelancers, so they want to impress the audience by surprising them with “supernatural” effects and virtuosity, with the fastest scales and arpeggios.
The musicians frequently moved to the European capitals such as Wien, London and Paris, arriving even to Russia. Francesco D’Angelo moved to Finland and decided to hommage Italy bringing some of it wherever he goes.
– Francesco D’Angelo
Francesco D’Angelo is performing on Raahen Rantajatsit 2024 at thursday 25.7. at 24:00 on Raahe City Library.